It takes a village! MVLAGS is a non-profit, entirely volunteer-run organization. Every family will be expected to volunteer to help our season run for these girls. We have roles as coaches, team managers, practice crew, scorekeepers, field crew, and more. Playing the game of fastpitch softball builds character and teaches young athletes life skills such as: teamwork, leadership, goal-setting and respect in a fun on-field experience that positively impacts their lives off-the-field as well. We know everyone is busy and time is at a premium, but without your help, we can’t keep girls softball going in our community.
As a non-profit organization that is 100% volunteer run, MVLAGS volunteers are essential in providing our girls with the best experience possible throughout the season. Continue reading below to see what kind of volunteer positions are available and how you can help give to your girls and the community.
If you'd like to volunteer for a team role, please let your coach and team manager know. If you'd like to volunteer for a league role, please reach out to president@mvlags.org.
Team roles
Coaching Staff
Each team's coaching staff consists of a head coach and hopefully 2+ assistant coaches. To learn more about coaching and how MVLAGS tries to make it as easy as possible, please click here. Coaching roles require a background check and a few certifications, all of which the league will assist you with.
HEAD COACH (Must be 21+ years of age):
Plans and oversees all practices and games. Goals are to develop each player and teach overall softball skills and game strategy in a fun and positive manner. The Head Coach also directs and develops the Assistant Coaches.
Time Requirement: Ask is to be available for ~90% of all Games & Practices
ASSISTANT COACH (Must be 21+ years of age):
Works with the Head Coach at all practices and games to teach and develop softball skills in a positive safe environment.
Time Requirement: Ask is to be available for at least 75% of all games & practices
MVLAGS operates under USA Softball, which requires various certification to enable our league to have insurance. All coaches must complete a background check, ACE coaching certification, SafeSport certification. Additionally the State of California requires two additional certification for all youth coaches: bi-annual concussion and cardiac arrest training. Yeah, we know it's a lot.
ACE, SafeSport, and background checks are all done through USA Softball website. Completing these certifications typically takes between 3-5 hours in total
Cardiac & concussion training are done through online resources and typically take ~1 hour in total
Check out our Coaches Corner page to learn more!
Team Staff (Non-Coaching/Managing)
Each team needs a manager, Practice Crew (1 for every practice), field crew parents (to help with field for practices/games), team sponsor parents, snack shack parents, scorekeepers. These roles are usually filled at the team meeting night when you first meet your team manager.​
Volunteer position sign-ups are offered during your daughter's initial registration process through TeamSnap. In late Jan/early Feb, Managers and Coaches will be required to attend a Managers and Coaches training event plus a Safety & First Aid training event.
Please note that on the Schedule page, you will see “Assignments” listed for each practice & game. Depending on whether it is a “home” or “away”’ game, responsibilities differ (see list below). If you are new to the league (or as a friendly reminder), MVLAGS is an entirely volunteer run league and every family is asked to contribute to help us run a great season for our daughters. Among the non-coaching & team manager necessary roles are:
“Light” Post-Practice Field Crew (1 person) is required by the Cities of Mountain View & Los Altos after every practice where the field is quickly watered and dragged
“Game Prep” Field Crew (2 people) is needed to water and drag the field, plus chalk lines before each home game (or “away” game vs non-MVLAGS team at Stevenson)
Practice Crew attends games and practices to assist the Team Manager as needed.
Scorekeeper uses the GameChanger app to keep track of plays in every game (8U+)
Every non-coaching/managing family has been assigned a season-long role based on preferences you listed during registration. We realize that not everyone will be 100% thrilled about the role that they have, but unless you truly, truly cannot do it, please be willing to take it on.
In recent years we have struggled with families not signing themselves up for their role on specific events. This year we are exploring something new by proactively assigning everyone to their role on specific practices or home games ahead of the season starting. We will be doing this by the end of Feb, so if you want to sign up for your role on specific dates, please do so in the next week. We are asking you all to help coordinate among others on your team with the same role if you cannot do your role on any specific day during the season.
TEAM MANAGER (Female 21+ years of age):
The team manager has ultimate responsibility for the team as the primary supervising female and administrative manager for all practices and games. This includes communication between parents and the league, ensuring player safety and emotional well-being, working with the coaching staff to see that playing time is distributed fairly, dugout management during games and coordination of team parent volunteers.
Time Requirement: Manager attends all games and most practices.
HEAD COACH (Must be 21+ years of age):
Plans and oversees all practices and games. Goals are to develop each player and teach overall softball skills and game strategy in a fun and positive manner. The Head Coach also directs and develops the Assistant Coaches.
Time Requirement: Must be available for at least 95% of all Games & Practices, ideally 100% of games and practices
ASSISTANT COACH (Must be 21+ years of age):
Works with the Head Coach at all practices and games to teach and develop softball skills in a positive safe environment.
Time Requirement: Must be available for at least 75% of all games & practices, ideally 100% of games & practices
Attends games and practices to assist the Team Manager as needed.
Time Requirement: Practice Crew members and Managers coordinate with one another to be sure that there is at least one member at all games & practices.
FIELD CREW PARENT (1 family per team for 6U, 4 families per team for 8U and up)
The Team Field Crew Parents are responsible for ensuring that the team's games are played on a safe, groomed and well-marked (painted or chalked) field. The Field Crew Parent is also responsible for putting away the bases, etc., when the team has the last game on the field that day. As a rule of thumb, your team will be responsible for field crew duty when your team is the home team and you play the first game of the day on Saturdays, and before weekday games when your team is the home team.
Time commitment for the field crew volunteer position is 4-6 hours over the course of the season (8am on Saturdays and/or 4:30pm on weeknights before games).
SCOREKEEPER (all levels except 6U)
Keeps game records during league and inter-league games and turns in game records to the Head Scorekeeper and Manager at the end of each game. Acts as scorekeeper of record when their team is the home team and may be called on by the umpire to verify game information. The Scorekeeper must attend all games or ensure that another trained scorekeeper is present. No experience is necessary. A scorekeeper training clinic is held before the start of the season and resources are available below.
Time Requirement: Keeps score at all games and should arrive 15 minutes before game time.
The team sponsor parent either sponsors the team themselves or recruits a team sponsor from a business they frequent or with whom they have a contact. Ideally the sponsors are identified quickly so the Banner Parent can get the sponsor information at Team Meeting Night. This person also makes sure the Sponsor gets the sponsor plaque at the end of the season.
Time Requirement: as quick as writing a check or a few hours to find a sponsor
League Roles
The MVLAGS Board of Directors If you want to have a greater impact making softball available to girls in our community, please consider lending your ideas, expertise, and enthusiasm to a volunteer role for the League. Opportunities range from a few hours to a full season commitment. Please see all current Board of Director members and a short role description here.
Interested in Umpiring?
Are you interested in being an umpire for MVLAGS softball games? You can earn money as an umpire in our league and see the game from a whole new perspective! For more info, please see the Prospective Umpire page.
Assistant Coach
Works with the Head Coach at all practices and games to teach and develop softball skills in a positive safe environment.
Time Requirement: Must be available for at least 75% of all games & practices, ideally 100% of games & practices
Must be 21+ years of age