Redhawks 12U Team​
Redhawks is a year-round competitive team for players from both MVLAGS and PAGS (Palo Alto Girls Softball) who want to make a deeper commitment to and investment in their softball, and who have a hunger for high expectations from their teammates and coaches. What makes this Redhawks competitive team unique is that it is a community-based program and nurturing softball family rooted in PAGS & MVLAGS, eschewing the transactional trappings of club softball. We believe in and pursue the best of both worlds.
What is MVLAGS Nova?
Nova is our travel softball program for girls in 8U and above who want to play at a more competitive level after the spring recreation season. It’s a great program for girls that have enjoyed playing recreation softball, want to play more, and want to learn more advanced skills. The program is competitive, but it is also a unique experience and a great way to develop players that want to continue to play softball through higher levels. With travel programs, the girls have a real opportunity to bond as a team and support each other on and off the field.
Nova develops individual and team skills necessary to play at a more competitive level. Players are selected based on tryouts. Not all girls who try out will be selected but all are encouraged to continue to develop their skills. Playing time is based on capability, demonstrated effort on the practice field and commitment to personal skills improvement. This typically means that some girls will play more than others, some girls may not play in every game and all will participate in practices and clinics.
We offer summer and sometimes fall seasons, consisting primarily of USA B/C level tournament play. In most years, our Nova teams are C-level teams as defined by USA Softball at the 12U and 10U levels, and Rec at the 8U level.
Travel ball, as the name implies, means playing tournaments at multiple locations, usually a Saturday and Sunday venue. Typically teams attempt to play within the local vicinity that includes the local bay area, Salinas and the central valley. Overnight weekend trips with players, parents and coaches will typically occur only once per summer, usually at the summer season's final tournament: Incline Village USA Softball Tournament in Tahoe in mid/late July.
For the 8U division, the time commitment is 2 practices during the weekday evenings and either a weekend practice or a tournament. There are typically 3 tournaments during the summer season, which usually have 4+ games per tournament and run Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. The season will typically run from late May to early July.
For 10U-12U divisions, there are 3 practices during the weekday evenings and either a weekend practice or a tournament. There are typically 5 tournaments during the summer season, which usually have 4+ games per tournament and run Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. The season will run from late May to mid/late July.
Nova attendance expectations are such that your player will attend at least 80% of all season events, including both practices and games.
This A-ball travel program gives the most experienced and skilled players the opportunity to play year-round at a high level and against tougher competition. Level of play offered is 14A, 16A and 18A. More details can be found here.