Scorekeeper Role Description
Acts as scorekeeper of record when their team is the home team and may be called on by the umpire to verify game information. The Scorekeeper must attend all games or ensure that another trained scorekeeper is present. No experience is necessary. Resources are available below.
Time Requirement: Keeps score at all games & should arrive 15 minutes before game time.
As a designated Scorekeeper, you should have received an invite via email to join your respective team on the GameChanger app. If you use a different email for GameChanger or need an invite, please contact our Head Scorekeeper, Deidre, at scorekeeper@mvlags.org.
Once you locate the invite, please follow the instructions below. You will want to accomplish these activities before your first game. Some of this can be done by the scorekeepers or managers - you choose.
GameChanger information and training
1. Download the GameChanger app from Apple App Store or Google Play.
Here are links to the apps if you need them:
- Apple: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gamechanger/id1308415878
- Google: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gc.teammanager&hl=en_US&gl=US&pli=1
2. Create an account or log in using your existing GameChanger account.
3. Once you've created an account (or signed into an existing account), you should see your respective team - e.g., "MVLAGS 10U-E". Tap on the "Team" tab. You should see 4 Staff members. GameChanger only allows 4 staff members. I added Head Coaches, Managers and at least one Scorekeeper. Any Staff can remove and add any other staff member, including me. Please remove me as staff in order to accommodate another staff member. You can leave me as just a "fan". Because you can only add 4 staff, I invited the rest of the coaches and scorekeepers as fans, but again, you can remove or add Staff as you see fit. And finally, I may have added the wrong parent as Scorekeeper, so feel free to make adjustments as you see fit or let me know and I can change it.
4. Enter your full player roster. Tap "Add Player" and enter at least the first/last name and jersey number. Ideally, you should also enter family contact emails so families can follow along. I would recommend that managers send an email to all families explaining that we use GameChanger for keeping score and they should check to make sure they are a "fan". If not, they can request to join the team through the app, or an admin can add them.
5. Tap on the "Schedule" tab and enter your first event, which is the date / time of your first game as listed in TeamSnap. You can add all the game dates/times ahead of time if you'd like!
6. If you've never used the app, there is an entire website with videos and instructions. I would start here: https://gc.com/gcu/main or here: https://gc.com/gcu/scorekeeping-baseball-softball. One thing I would highly recommend is to try it with a recorded game. In the app, with your team selected, tap on the "gear" icon on the top right corner of the screen. Then tap on "Practice Scoring a Game". You can find an old college softball game on YouTube and try scoring it while you watch.
7. You may also want to change the name of your team. This can all be done in the app, but let me know if you have questions.
8. Game Day: Try to get to the game a little early to enter the lineup for your team and the opponent. If you're playing another MVLAGS team, you can search for them in the GameChanger app and they should appear. For other opponents, don't worry about names, just jersey numbers. When scoring, focus on pitch counts (balls and strikes), hits (ball in play) and fielding (tap on the glove of the person who fielded the ball). Runs, outs, and the score should mostly happen automatically if you do those first 3 things right but you can always manually enter runs and outs if you need to.